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AAMM organizes this residency for artists, curators, and researchers with the aim of providing a creative and reflective space for the production and development of work within the framework of the ruins of Epecuén. We propose an experience in a rural setting, where dialogue between colleagues in territory is promoted through research and creative experience.

We propose residents work around the context and consequently contribute to its enhancement. The objective of this residency is that participants engage in this experience through field research and multidisciplinary artistic processes, finding in group coexistence the possibility of generating exchange through debates and the stimulation of critical thinking.

AMBOS MUNDOS / AAMM is a platform for contemporary art and cultural management. It is an open, collective, and ongoing project that, since 2012, has brought together and worked together with artists and cultural actors, proposing alternatives and generating dialogues in a constantly renewing artistic field. Our daily goal is to create instances of exchange, supporting artistic production and the dissemination of artistic projects, both locally and internationally.

Director / Curator

Curator and cultural manager, director of the AAMM gallery and Epecuén Residence. He conducts specific curatorial work and oversees the general production of interdisciplinary exhibitions in institutions, fairs, and galleries. He graduated as a business administrator with a specialization in critical texts and arts promotion from UNA. He completed the Micro Curatorships Diploma at Saco (Chile), participated in the «Futura» program at CCEBA, and received a creation grant from FNA in 2021

General coordinator

Visual artist working in sculpture, painting, site-specific actions, relational projects, and collective creations, engaging in a dialogue between the body and the landscape. She studied visual arts at UNA and image and sound design at UBA.

Participated in solo and group exhibitions, residencies, and projects in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, the United States, Spain, Germany, and Ecuador. She also handle the artistic production for the MAPA art fair and independent management projects.

Production / Coordinator

 Visual artist, teacher, and facilitator in the development of human potential. In her artistic practice, she integrates various languages such as the body, expanded painting, object creation, and photography. She is a Psychological/Body Counselor, Art Therapy (National University of the Arts – ARG), and Analyst in Social Media (USAL-ARG).

Coordinator y contents

Visual artist, teacher, and facilitator in the development of human potential. In her artistic practice, she integrates various languages such as the body, expanded painting, object creation, and photography. She is a Psychological/Body Counselor, Art Therapy (National University of the Arts – ARG), and Analyst in Social Media (USAL-ARG).

Curator / Commercial

 Artist, manager, teacher and researcher. She reflects on absence, loss, recovery/repair rituals, and explores sound as signaling.
Studied the Faculty of Visual Arts (REA), and the Bachelor of Visual Arts (UMSA). Took clinics and seminars with Ana Gallardo, Verónica Gómez, Kekena Corvalan and Clarisa Appendino among others.
She is part of the research project «Methodology of approach and production for artistic practices of semiotic decolonization.» REA and offers seminars on ephemeral kilns (pre-Hispanic technologies) and sound ceramics.